About Us
Every company has a story and ours begins with Ibrahim Kaygısız, the founder of Ipekyolu Jewellery and his ambition to pursue what is desired and vibrant. Since his younger years, he was a self-made man, following a steady path through the establishment of a company that attracts people from different parts of the globe. We can say that it is a long journey started from Gaziantep, a magical city in Turkey to Istanbul where the heart of jewellery world pounds.
Although he comes from an artisan family, he wanted to success more and went to school to be educated while he worked hard to continue his family business.
Experiencing the difficult side of entrepreneurship even in his prime years, Ibrahim Kaygısız has now become one of the leading figures in jewellery sector.
At the beginning of the successful adventure, Ipekyolu Silver was established in 1970 and today is shown as one of the most distinguished companies in the world’s jewellery industry. With its 3200 meters square showroom, 150 employees and 35 designers, the company devotes itself to the fashion by following all the innovations and trends around the world.
Ipekyolu Jewellery has the vision of continuous development by embracing its essential values that are embedded in the strong foundations as well as adapting latest trends on its products.
Our company renews its collections every month with over 500 designs, not only made in Turkey but also items manufactured in 7 other countries and following that, exports to 96 countries around the world.
Ipekyolu Jewellery possesses a structure that can generate the balance of the sector, supports the products, services and partnerships that can provide consistent income, attaches great importance to customer satisfaction and continues its development in order to be a world brand with its devoted team.
Along with Ipekyolu Jewellery, the company has three other jewellery brands namely: Sette Silver, Doliche and Seibu Stones.